Sunday, September 13, 2009

Afraid no more...

I am bummed that I have no pics to accompany this story, but it had to be shared. So, last weekend Curt, Brady and I went to the Be a Star Party for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Of course there were many clowns there and Brady is extremely afraid of anything dressed up clowns! So we see 2 in the parking lot and he starts asking lots of questions and wants to be carried. We walk into the hotel and there are 2 more in the lobby. He has a death grip on my neck and will not take his eyes off of them. We get to the room we will be in and there are about 4 more outside the room. Again, death grip, many questions and I'm telling Curt this will be a long night! We walk in the lie...a total of about 10-12 clowns. Brady had entered his version of Hell! He will not let me put him down. He crawls up me when one walks by. They of course approach him and he freaks out, I tell them he's afraid..they wave and walk away. One comes by later and asks if he would like a sword made out of a balloon. He says no and I say, sure make him one. He says no no and I tell him it's for my students so he then says, "No, I want it for me." This was our turning point. The clown brings him the balloon and we (Brady and I) go to the dance floor. He's jumping around having fun...still watching the clowns. He decides he wants a hat made of balloons so I walk him over to the clowns to ask for one. By the end of the night (about 2 hours later) he is on the dance floor in a circle doing the hokey pokey between 2 clowns. Saying come on clowns! Doing the Chicken dance with them, playing soccer with them and when it is time to go..he had to go to each one and tell them bye and give them a hug.

So, in the span of 2 hours we went from body shaking fear of clowns to being best friends with them. Isn't life funny! So, now we are going to work on my friend Angela. She's in her 30's and still wouldn't do the hokey pokey with a clown!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Neither would Matt...he's afraid of them, too!

Brady...age - one day

Brady...age - one day

Brady age - 2 months (maybe??)

Brady age - 2 months (maybe??)

First Halloween as Baby Elvis

First Halloween as Baby Elvis

Brady Second Halloween - Pinochio

Brady Second Halloween - Pinochio

Brady last July

Brady last July
happy boy

Brady's First Birthday Party

Brady's First Birthday Party
Team Benedix