Saturday, May 30, 2009

The reason I teach...

Today I went to Bryan to see my very first class of 3rd graders graduage from high school. It was so awesome to see them walk across the stage and know that I played a small role in their journey to that moment. Knowing how hard I worked with some of them and to see that they "made it" was so rewarding. I have always loved what I do, but today I was reminded in a different way than I have ever experienced. I was so proud.
One of the kids that I worked the hardest with was George Lee pictured above (the picture I took with him did not come out :( ) George had many many obstacles to overcome in his young life and needless to say he could have gone either way and praise God he is on the right track. He was the senior class president and Senior class vice president was also a girl that I taught in 3rd and 4th grade. :)
What a great trip down memory lane!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

What an awesome milestone in your career! You gotta love that George Lee!! But I wish you would've called while you were in town!! I would've loved to have seen you. Next time!

Brady...age - one day

Brady...age - one day

Brady age - 2 months (maybe??)

Brady age - 2 months (maybe??)

First Halloween as Baby Elvis

First Halloween as Baby Elvis

Brady Second Halloween - Pinochio

Brady Second Halloween - Pinochio

Brady last July

Brady last July
happy boy

Brady's First Birthday Party

Brady's First Birthday Party
Team Benedix